If the Lord impresses you to help us spread the Good News, sharing our hope in the Soon-Coming Savior, you may easily and securely donate from this web site, but be sure to support your local church body first!

The On-Line Donation Pages Are Located HERE. 

Our Current Status of Income Over Expense:


                       In March 2025 - $3,535.00 has arrived for our operations.

                       In February 2025 - $4,347.00 has arrived for our operations.

                       In January 2025 - $5,356.00 arrived for our operations.

                       Our total monthly expenses accrue at the following levels.

Red: Utilities, Etcetera, Just Keeping the Doors Open.    Yellow: Basic Staffing Needs (x2), Staff Begins Getting Partially Paid (currently 50%).    Green:  All Needs Met!  

Yes, inflationary pressure is taking an ever-increasing bite out of everyone's budget!

We are now into our 13th year of operation. The final quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025 will be a period of serious evaluation of our future.

Have you ever wondered "whatever happened to...?"  Well, we all have at some point.  Do you remember F.W. Woolworth,  JCPenney,  General Electric,  RadioShack,    Toys Я Us...Circuit City and countless Mom and Pop enterprises?  Each story has its own specifics, but the common denominator is, a decline in support from the customer base.   

We Know It's Not Easy Being a "Customer" of non-commercial Christian Radio!

Declining support, a result of tough economic conditions for each listener (and the entire nation), is a huge reality and may, unfortunately, soon require significant change to or even the total discontinuance of our local radio programming.  The outright sale of this station is another possibility.  Please pray that our future will be made clear as God wills!

Thank you all so very much for the sacrifices you have made so that Radio of Hope continues to be on the air each day!

Thanks for allowing us to have a portion of what the Lord has placed into your hands! 

Did you know that we really do have "One Dollar Givers"? Would it surprise you to know that there are sufficient numbers in our listening family to supply all of our ministry needs...if each individual or family unit sent just one dollar each month? Most assume that others (whoever that may be) will take care of the need. Not so!  If that really is your limit, please be one of our "One Dollar Givers."  You're more important that you may realize!

So Where Does Your Money Go?

Our 2024 cost of operation has been averaging approximately $8,000.00 to $9,000.00 per month. which allows for things like Studio space rental, utilities, office supplies, free materials sent to listeners, postage, insurance, two variable hourly positions, several over the air music licensing fees and a separate fee for streaming our signal on-line. 

The Washington State DNR (Department of Natural Resources) land rental fee is currently about $6,748.00 per year for the excellent mountain-top location where our FM transmitter is located (Blyn Mountain - near Discovery Bay ).

With about 720 hours in the average month why not consider making a little chunk-of-time your own project each month.  For some folks one single dollar ($1) a month fits into a very limited budget. For others, it's $5.00, $12.50 or $16.50 and in some cases it's $100.00, $200.00 or even $400.00.  Whatever your situation may be please know that it is appreciated very much by all of us at Radio of Hope!




Other Ways to Donate:


Mail your donation:
Please send your tax deductible donations to:

Radio of Hope
P O Box 1882
Port Townsend, WA 98368

Are You Legally Qualified to Participate in the Washington State Combined Fund Drive?
Link to Washington State Combined Fund Drive

We cannot over-state how seriously we take our mandate to faithfully use each dollar donated to the cause of Christ! Close study is made before any purchase is made and our dedicated radio staff is applying their expertise for a fraction of the industry norm. In short, we're laying up treasure in Heaven. 

Remember the Widow in Mark 12:42-43?  Jesus does!


You Helped Us Build Our "Meet and Greet" RV Project. Here it Is! 


Radio of Hope is owned and operated by Olympic Media, Inc. a 501(c)3 organization.