Net Activations in the Puget Sound Region

If any local (western Washington State) operators are interested in opportunities to listen, learn or participate in MRS radio "Nets" being held in the area, there are several that occur on East Tiger (Oly-Comm3) and elsewhere.  If there are additional Nets (or details) that should be listed or corrected here, please advise and we will update.

East Tiger:  Tuesday at 19:30 (Technical),  every other Wednesday (commencing 8-21-2024) at 20:00 (Greater Maple Valley C.E.R.T. Net),  and Thursday at 19:30 (Ham Study Sessions). Information about the previous Social Net will be posted here when available.

Title:           HAM Study Group Net
When:         Occurs every Thursday effective 1/23/2025 from 7:15 PM to 9:00 PM.
Organizer:   Devin Hamilton <>
Descript:     Here is the updated details for HAM Study Net on Thursday Nights!

Check-ins start at 7:15 - Net starts at 7:30.

To Join the Zoom Meeting submit a request via e-mail to and be part of the educational festivities!


 At 7:30PM on Thursday Nights we will commence the study group net for Ham Radio enthused participants.
 The format is inclusive for GMRS licensed participants &/or folks on ZOOM as an alternative if non-licensed. 
 We welcome dual licensed HAM and GMRS operators to participate and or provide color commentary for our questions and discussions.
 We will be working from and I will be sharing my screen over Zoom.
 Our goal is for technician class study, however we will jump to General Class study as interest arises.

A powerful GMRS Repeater on East Tiger Mountain and on ZOOM!


 Inclusive Net supporting active participants and listen only participants, as well as helper HAMs.
 We start the net with brief housekeeping and any announcements, then begin collecting check-ins.
 Please check-in and indicate if you are participating, listen-only, or a "helper".
 PARTICIPANTS FIRST ( we must have 5 participants to run a net )
 Helper HAMS second - let us know if you are a licensed HAM and want to help.
 In and Out stations ( I/O check-ins ) to say hi and listen only.
 You can choose to answer questions in the Zoom chat, or over the air on East Tiger Mountain repeater.
 If you are ZOOM only, let me know in the chat and I will enable my audio as well so you can listen in!
 If you are on radio AND ZOOM, please turn down your computer volume.  ;-)
 As always, you may start as listen-only and then jump in any time on questions you want to answer or comment on!!

After initial check-in roster, we will ID our call sign inline with question responses on or about every 10 min.
Thank you to the Seatac Repeater Association, and the Oly-Comm Network for continued support and use of the East Tiger GMRS repeater.
Devin H.

GMRS / Midland Channel: 18
Midland CTCSS setting: "22"
RX frequency:  462.6250
TX frequency:  467.6250
Duplex Offset is +5MHz
RX CTCSS:  141.3
TX CTCSS:  141.3
On BTECH or BAOFENG GMRS Radios, to access the repeater as a ***LICENSED OPERATOR***:
menu SFT-D = +
menu OFFSET = 005.000
menu T-CTCS = 141.3
menu ROGER = OFF ( preferred for nets ) 


Until mid-August of 2024 East Tiger was occasionally placed in a state of "hibernation" to allow for co-channel system/net operation.  This was done to minimize potential interference and to comply with § 95.359 Sharing of channels. These events were Mondays from 19:45 to 20:45 and on Tuesdays from 19:00 to 19:10.  The co-channel repeater on Lookout Mountain has since been moved to a different frequency of 462.725 (with the same tone as before).

Outlook Mountain: Tuesdays at 19:00 (Be Brave Washington Community Communications Prep Net).

Gold Mountain:  Saturday at 18:00 (Combined Social and Tech Net).

Oly-Comm1 (Discovery Bay):  Broadcast News-Gathering Stringers & EMCOMM Volunteers in Various Communities (TBA).

Recent events, regarding disappearing listings on www.MYGMRS.Comhave been investigated.  Their policy is to require a minimum of one repeater page update per year to avoid having entries referring to machines that are no longer active or have even been removed from service.  This procedure helps to assure that "STALE" data is removed which might confuse or disappoint site users. It is a simple procedure to follow with positive results.  If you are also a repeater Administrator be sure to update your data to help maintain the accuracy of

Additional background information on the General Mobile Radio Service is available here.  If the question of a "national calling or emergency channel" arises you can find information about how some patterns came to exist here.