Interference is a fact of life in Radio Communication.

This reality generally falls into two basic categories.  Man-made (called QRM) or Natural phenomena (called QRN).  Currently, this page is focused on some issues related to QRM and how it is generally dealt with in the Puget Sound region.  As time permits additional  issues will be addressed.

Jammers (and other forms of Malicious activity)

While there are several "technical" aspects, related to Administratively dealing with "Jammer" activity, there are also facets to be considered/remembered by all users in the radio community.  Follow these protocol items and daily life will ultimately be less stressful, more productive and a blessing for all concerned.  

  1.   "Do NOT feed the trolls!"  Resist the urge to respond – it's not possible to reason with a troll.  As tempting as it may be, getting involved in an on-air                 argument just gives them the reaction they want, so they are likely to step up their activity.  Name-calling, suggesting possible terms of punishment or the       issuance of insulting commentary ONLY serve to feed the distorted self-image of the QRM source.  It's NOT a fix or cure.  It only makes life MORE DIFFICULT     for those actually dealing with the problem.
  2.    Discussing the issue "on-air" (anywhere).  This will likely be overheard and become a source of satisfaction to the QRM source.
  3.    Do participate with organized efforts to properly address the issue.  While not generally published, there are efforts being made to address the issue, so           being part of the solution is better than being counter-reactive.  Use text or voice calls with Admins.  Program a "reverse" channel (to listen to the repeater       "input" frequency) in your radio. Whenever interference of any type is heard make a quick check to see if you are close to the source.  Helping to amass a           greater multitude of time, date and location data-points will materially assist Administrative action.